Thursday, February 14, 2008

School Lunch

Three times a week, teachers in the Ritto City Schools eat school lunch. The other two days we bring "bento"(lunch from home, or more commonly the convenience store). People have special bento boxes with cartoon characters or flowers or something and they wrap them in cloths that also have a special name. I have an old tuperware container- it's not as cute, but it works. Anyway- it's become a big part of our lives here and I wanted to share it with all of you. School lunch usually consists of 4 items: meat/fish, vegetables, soup, and rice. Sometimes the meat/fish is substituted with something like tofu or egg or something. Anyway- the meat/fish can get pretty weird sometimes(usually when it is on the meat side of things), so the staples of it have become the veggies, rice and soup. I eat most anything, but unrecognizable meat is where I draw the line. I typically like most of it though, so my overall opinion is good. Dan wavers on the subject. So here you go; a picture of school lunch.

This particular day I believe I passed on the meat. I think it's chicken though.
Also, notice the chopsticks. I have a cute matching case for them.


Marianne said...

I love the school lunch. I would think most anything is better than making it yourself. I love to see this kind of stuff. How about a grocery store? I suppose people would think you are crazy taking pictures inside a grocery store.
Love, Mom

Andre said...

That sure beats pizza and corn nibblets.

Andre said...

Come on... Feb 14???