Friday, September 7, 2007

Moyer Sensei

So, we have made it through our first week in Japan! We have internet, a bank account, national health insurance, bills in our name, and we even have a "seal". It is a small round stamp with a Japanese character that means Moyer.We are supposed to stamp it on official documents instead of a signature. Things are subtly different with the whole gender thing. When we went for our bank account we said we wanted only one. From that point on I was invisible. They addressed Dan with everything and put everything in has name. We were going to get a cell phone, we filled the paper work out and everything, but then realized it would only be used to call Yoko. The first few days were easy because we had Yoko with us the whole time. Things got a little scarier when she stopped meeting us at our gate every morning. Because Ritto is a smaller town, nothing is in romanji(roman characters), which makes it difficult on Dan and I, not knowing much Japanese let alone Japanese characters. Since it is our first weekend we may try to take a train(all by ourselves) to Kusatsu or if we are feeling extra crazy Kyoto. Stay tuned to see how this unfolds!
Also- Dan is writing on his website: and he has an awesome account of the cell phone experience.

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